Buy 5 trees and offset carbon emissions from furniture production

As part of our commitment to supporting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #12, you will now be making an even bigger difference for the climate when you buy furniture from us. HOLMRIS B8 has launched a new initiative to plant recreational forests throughout Denmark.

For years, we have offered to purchase the used furniture of our customers for resale or donation through HOLMRIS B8 Circular. As an FSC®-certified company*, we offer furniture made with FSC®-certified wood.

Another sustainable initiative to help achieve the UN’s SDG #12 on responsible consumption and production: When you buy furniture from HOLMRIS B8, you will now have the opportunity to help plant new trees to offset carbon emissions from furniture production.

Steffen Max Høgh, former CSR Director at HOLMRIS B8, says:

“We believe that companies cannot do business without taking responsibility for the climate. Every time furniture is manufactured for a new office workplace, wood is removed from nature. According to the Growing Trees Network Foundation, the impact corresponds to 150-250 kg of carbon emissions. Professor Palle Madsen from the University of Copenhagen Forest and Landscape College has calculated that one and a half beech trees can neutralise 150 kg of carbon dioxide in 30 years. Our customers have long had the option of choosing FSC-certified wood in the making of their furniture, and now we offer another opportunity to give back to nature when buying furniture from us.”

Planting five trees makes a difference
HOLMRIS B8 will now offer the option of paying DKK 96 per employee for whom you buy new office furniture. Your contribution will be used to purchase, plant and care for five trees in a number of recreational forests being established throughout Denmark.

These forests are classified as protected, so the trees cannot be cut down in the future. In addition to helping to improve the climate, the new forests will be open to the public for recreational use.

“At HOLMRIS B8, we are leading the way by planting five trees per employee – a total of 2,100 trees in the new recreational forests, helping to ensure that there are enough trees. This corresponds to the carbon emissions from the production of office furniture for our 420 employees,” says Steffen Max Høgh.

Why plant new trees?
Planting new trees plays a key part in efforts to improve the climate. Trees naturally offset carbon emissions through the process of photosynthesis, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon in the soil. The new trees will also help to increase biodiversity and protect our groundwater.

Contact us if you want to know more about buying trees

* FSC® C104600